Dual Streaming Is Required For Html Viewing Firefox

2020. 2. 15. 09:41카테고리 없음

This is 2016. Everybody is phasing out flash, including Adobe.


This is not the time to launch a redesign that uses deprecated technology that is glitchy and not standards-based. As a cable industry giant, you should be leading the way in standardizing TV Anywhere for the web too. Please cooperate with the rest of the industry and launch with an HTML5 playback interface like Netflix, Amazon, etc. The redesign is your best opportuniy to do this and test it out with the least impact. Otherwise you will be forced to go through the whole redesign/testing/staged rollout process again in a year or two when flash isnt supported by anyone else. I've been saying this for the last couple of years about Hulu, CBS, Disney, ESPN and a few others that still require Adobe Flash. All of AMC Network sites uses HTML5 Video native perfectly fine with no issues.

It's these popular networks that still use the now obsolete Flash plug-in that's plagued with security problems and not to mention battery hog for notebooks like the MacBook or MacBook Pro. Plus, the TV Xfinity site is a wonderful redesign. As you said the company should just implement HTML5 Video native during this whole transitional process. I haven't been consuming my content from the website just because of the Flash requirement. It's dreadful but I at least have the Xfinity X1 app on my iPad and iPhone:/. I have noticed that if you are watching xfinity online it will crash your browser if you open any but a few other tabs.

It will crash Firefox everytime. IE does a lot beter but still will crash sometimes.

IE generaly has problems with freeze frames. Even chrome will slow to a crawl. The xfinity TV go is an absolute browser crasher.

I am quite sure it is the adobe stuff because on the few occasions there is any error message it always about adobe flash. There is no way to tell with the new interface as that does not allow watching live TV. Aravindp wrote: This is 2016. Everybody is phasing out flash, including Adobe. This is not the time to launch a redesign that uses deprecated technology that is glitchy and not standards-based. As a cable industry giant, you should be leading the way in standardizing TV Anywhere for the web too.

Please cooperate with the rest of the industry and launch with an HTML5 playback interface like Netflix, Amazon, etc. The redesign is your best opportuniy to do this and test it out with the least impact. Otherwise you will be forced to go through the whole redesign/testing/staged rollout process again in a year or two when flash isn't supported by anyone else. I agree 100% that HTML5 should replace FlashPlayer/Shockwave for efficiency of video streaming with less problems and more compatibility for everyone. I happen to be a Linux OS power user with KDE Desktop Platform Version 4.14.9 and I use Firefox 50.1.x for Linux as my web browser, which I find works excellent for me. However, the only problem I have is that XFinity doesn't honor the Linux OS environment system as being part of it's customer's market, witch it is just like the Mac OS/X market. This is not a Joke.

There is a Linux OS market and it's serious. I among others take it seriously. It's big and growing every day and I among others think big companies, such as Comcast/XFinity should accept Linux OS to support it just as they do with Mac OS/X and Microsoft Windows platform systems. By not accepting Linux OS, you are not only singling out potential customers but making Comcast/XFinity look like they don't really care about their customers and I happen to be a Comcast/XFinity customer and I am paying quite a lot per month for the TV and Internet service less the phone service. Why, just this past week Netflix added HTML5 video streaming support format to allow Linux OS as well as other computer devices to use their media service. So I hope they will reconsider Linux OS as part of their customer market and start supporting them like their Mac OS/X and Microsoft Windows customers.

Dual Streaming Is Required For Html Viewing Firefox

That's fantastic news because I have been struggling to get XFinity tv to stream on my OpenSUSE Linux OS through Firefox 50.01 and it seems like XFinity doesn't want Linux OS users to use their video streaming service to view tv. I don't use Microsoft Windows because I like Linux OS a whole lot better. I think I shouldn't be forced to use Microsoft Windows if I don't want to. It's just silly otherwise. Smith sarax3 wrote: The site should be transitioning to HTML5 in late 2017 to mid 2018.